Kindergarten-Children may enter kindergarten if they will attain the age of five (5) years on or before August 1 of the year in which they are seeking initial enrollment.
Elementary Grades are generally divided into 2-3 year increments
Jr. High & High School grades may be separated or combined due to elective & class choice selections.
In April, High School parents & students are allowed to submit elective class choices for the following school year. Choices are reviewed, researched, & narrowed down based on enrollment numbers & teacher availability. Students are allowed to make final class selections in August prior to the parent meeting. Classes are taught so that the parent can apply them to the transcript as a credit or half-credit.
Elementary Grades are generally divided into 2-3 year increments
Jr. High & High School grades may be separated or combined due to elective & class choice selections.
In April, High School parents & students are allowed to submit elective class choices for the following school year. Choices are reviewed, researched, & narrowed down based on enrollment numbers & teacher availability. Students are allowed to make final class selections in August prior to the parent meeting. Classes are taught so that the parent can apply them to the transcript as a credit or half-credit.
2024-25 Classes
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